Tabata Training

Intense Fat Loss Thru Tabata Training

Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plans

Hi,  just wanted to give you a quick reminder about the Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plan. The price will be going up so if you think it will work for you get in before the increase.

Here is some info I took of Vince’s site.

Nutrition Reality #1 You Can’t Out Train A Bad Diet

You could run two marathons a day and still get fat.

Even if you resorted to a bodybuilders diet of chicken, broccoli and brown rice six-times a day, you can still get fat.


Eat too much of it.  The excess has to get stored somewhere and unfortunately that is known as your belly-bulge.

It doesn’t matter how many hours a day you workout, what kind of supplements you take or how “healthy” you eat if you consumed too much of it.

You probably learned that back in high school science class.

It’s amazing how marketing geniuses can get us to underestimate this simple nutrition fact.

Nutrition Reality #2 Diet Is 90% of the Equation

Think about it.

It takes about 3-minutes to consume a delicious muffin or donut and wash it down with a glass of juice or your favorite mocha drink.  3-minutes later you’ve consumed almost 1000 calories, 50 grams of fat and 120 grams of sugar.

Bam!  So much for that flat stomach…

You just cancelled out 2 days worth of working out! That’s called one step forward, two steps back.  I don’t’ have to tell you how hard you have to work your butt off to burn those 1000 calories, right?

You got to bust your ass sprinting up some stairs for an hour just to cancel out the damage you inflicted on your belly.

So it takes 3-minutes of mouth-watering delight to lose your six pack and it takes 60-minutes of heart-pounding, muscle-screaming workouts to get your six-pack.

Now you see why all the cover-models and bodybuilders say, “It’s all diet, diet, diet…”

Nutrition Reality #3 “Eating healthy” Without a Plan Is Guaranteed Failure

My clients protested, “But I eat healthy…” or “I don’t eat bad though…” while I confronted them with this truth.

 “Eating healthy” is a relative phrase.  You may be in fact eating “the top super foods” every day or a “variety” of proteins and fats or avoiding the “bad carbs” but still crippling your success.


How do you know if you’ve eaten too much or too little?

What do you modify at the end of the week when you jump on the scale and nothing has changed? What do you do?

Eat “healthier?”

Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plans

I bet you can relate to the three C’s…

Confusing, Challenging and Consuming

#1 Diets are CONFUSING 

Just like you, I agree that nutrition advice has become overwhelmingly confusing.  One best-selling book says no carbs, another book says no fat.  This expert says to skip the protein and the other expert says to ignore that advice.

Maybe I should eat according to my ancestors or my blood type?  Maybe I should go with the instinct diet?  That one sounds interesting…

It’s at the point now that every single food is on some guru’s “bad list.” 

If I followed all of their advice, my plate would be empty every meal!

Bottom line, it’s impossible to escape the confusion, especially since every diet promises to be better than the last.

Aren’t you dreaming of the day you can stroll into a grocery store and not be terrified or torture yourself with guilt, no matter what you eat?
#2 Diets are CHALLENGING

Just like you, I can’t possibly keep up with all the “breakthrough” diets that rain in from the sky each-and-every-day.

It doesn’t help when at least 10 of these diets get national publicity and make the best-sellers list.  What if the next one is actually the real thing? 

You would be making a horrible mistake passing up this new diet opportunity even though the diet will force you to shell-out more money, make you feel miserable, overanalyze, is outrageously unpractical, and impossible to follow long term.

Bottom line, the diet mafia is seducing you, again, to abandon your better judgment and eat like you’ve never eaten before.

#3 Diets are CONSUMING

Did you ever realize that the countries (a.k.a. United States and Canada) that are most obsessed about nutrition, dieting and diet foods are the fattest and most out of shape?

Go figure.

Being consumed with food is affecting your mood and self-worth!

It’s one thing to be a little upset because you over ate in a meal, it’s another thing to be downright depressed because you ate some garlic toast for lunch!

Our society has never been so consumed with diet and nutrition as it has in the past 50 years and yet our physiques and health are going right down the tubes.

If food is consuming your life and leaving you emotionally drained, guilt-stricken, literally afraid of eating and straining your personal relationships, then keep reading to discover a simple-fix that defies common sense!

It’s the exact simple-fix that will help you lose the last 10 pounds or the first 100 pounds like a bad habit and obliterate even the most stubborn fat from any body part.

Fact: More than ANYTHING else, you’re diet is holding you back and here is what you can do to fix it, once and for all…

Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plans

Get lean, or stay fat.  It’s your decision.

Why do I say that?  Because this is your absolute LAST chance to get the program that is going to put your results over the edge, while being
maintainable and livable, and DOABLE, before the price DOUBLES Friday night.

You want to talk about why people fail?  It’s because 99% of the diet programs out there aren’t realistic.  They aren’t practical, and believe me, I feel your pain.

But that’s NOT this program, This one is special.  This one is going to be a GAME CHANGER for you–and I guarantee it–because it’s just so incredibly livable.

Not only that, but you get to EAT NORMALLY to get you the head-turning physique you’ve always wanted–FASTER.

Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plan

July 3, 2009 Posted by | cardio workouts, exercise, fitness, kettlebell workouts, tabata training, Uncategorized, weight loss | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plans PT 2

Yesterday we discussed that you need a nutritional template if you’re truly committed to having the healthiest and most attractive body possible.

A nutritional template just means, a meal plan.

A lot of people make the mistake of thinking they need a SPECIAL PLAN designed to meet their individual needs and that is a MISTAKE, at first.

Eventually you can incorporate some more advanced nutrition techniques but if you’re not flaunting a ripped six-pack, right now, or exuberating all-day energy, you are probably swimming in water too deep.

You’ve Been Lied To

We’ve both been conditioned to believe that you need a nutrition plan different than everyone else. You’re right, partly!

You’ve been told to worry about calories, macronutrient rations and other advanced details in the beginning, which in my opinion is wasted energy.

Focusing on these details is like working on your finishing sprint in the marathon when you’re not even in shape to run 1 mile yet.

The best meal plan is based on BALANCE and VARIETY which is exactly catered to your physiological make up. You can’t get more personalized than that!


At the start, EVERYONE’S nutritional quest should begin at the SAME starting line.

Plainly put: You Need A SIMPLE Nutritional Plan You
Foundational Nutritional Principles.

That’s why I want you to download Vince DelMonte’s “Done-For-You” Fat Loss Meal Plans available at

–> Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plans<- click here

It’s critical that you put your meal plan into action TODAY – not tomorrow, not next week or next month.

I love these plans because they are SO EASY to implement your very next meal and continue until you have developed the habits necessary to see results so that you stay motivated and finally perfect your body and health.

The Best Part Of Your Own Meal Plan

There are no rules to follow, complex formulas, expensive supplements, ridiculous macronutrient ratios that you need to concern yourself with.

Everything is already DONE-FOR-YOU. 

I prefer to say “DESIGNED-For-You!”

Don’t get me wrong, once you get to being a few percent away from “camera-ready” and “contest-ready” shape, you’re going to have to incorporate some more advanced tricks but for now, it’s best you accept the 3-phase meal plans as the best place to start.

Get your complete set of 30 unique 84-day fat loss meal plans TODAY
–> Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plans <- click here

To your success,


P.S. Hurry! The half-price launch sale ends Friday July 3rd at Midnight PST.
Click here to join the thousands of other users who have already PROVEN these plans work –> Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plans

July 1, 2009 Posted by | cardio workouts, exercise, fitness, kettlebell workouts, tabata training, weight loss | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Tabata Training Extreme Fat Loss

Tabata training can and will take your fat loss to the extreme. Doing a tabata workout is short, incredibly intense and will flat out kick your butt. But oh the benefits to your cardio conditioning and fat loss efforts are well worth it.

The question with doing tabata training is are you willing to pay the price to make extreme changes in your body?

If you have never tried tabata training it’s 20 seconds of doing a particular exercise (doing as many reps in good form as you can) then take a ten second rest and continue for a total of eight sets.

Yes 4 minutes of exercise. Most people that have never tried a tabata workout ask how can four minutes be enough for fat loss? The best answer I have ever heard is…

People who have done Tabata training never say ONLY 4 minutes again.

Before I give you a workout to try. get a physical get your doc’s ok before starting any workout. Tabata training is not for the newbie to exercising. You can adjust your workout to more of an interval training workout.

Here is a tabata workout I have been using lately. I do this twice a week on my non weight training days.

Tabata exercise – One arm Clean and Press – You can use either a dumbell or kettlebell to do this. I prefer using a kettlebell because the kettlebell brings in more of your stabilizer muscles giving you even more of a total body workout.

Keep in mind this is not bodybuilding. You are not looking to lift alot of weight so go light.

Give it a try remember do tabata’s only once or twice aweek.

Tabata Training Extreme Fat Loss check out my site dedicated to tabata training for a complete explanation of the why’s and how’s of tabata training and additional exercises you can use.

June 3, 2009 Posted by | cardio workouts, exercise, fitness, kettlebell workouts, tabata training, Uncategorized, weight loss | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Tabata Training Why You Should Use It

Why use Tabata?
The Tabata method is incredibly effective for cardio conditioning and fat burning this is great for most athletes but what if you are not interested in the physiological conditioning but rather about conditioning and how it relates to body fat levels and muscularity?

a) Reduced body fat levels: Although Tabata has been used for energy system work it was quickly found that it is a hugely effective way to strip fat from the body. The training is itself brief, but the knock on effects are increased calorie utilization through the day and more importantly, an increased rate of fat burning in the hours after training. While low intensity long duration work has you burning fat on the bike for say 45 minutes, Tabata causes you to increase the rate for fat burning for many hours after.

b) Ability to train: If Tabata teaches the mind and body one thing, it is the ability to increase intensity and maintain a lot of hard work; this is incredibly useful to the bodybuilder. In my experience once a trainee has been exposed to Tabata they raise their game elsewhere in the weights room. Think you’re working hard on that final set of squats? Do a Tabata session and then think again. Apart from the psychological aspects there are of course the physiological ones, anaerobic conditioning can be very useful when lifting especially on higher volume plans.

c) Time pressure: Plans are all very good but they have to be able to fit into our hectic schedules. Tabata at anywhere between 3-7 minutes is just such a plan.

Doing Tabata
Doing Tabata could not be simpler. As above you choose an exercise and perform as many reps (or as much work) as possible for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. You then repeat this cycle for a predetermined number of times. That’s where the easy bit ends.

I have said it before but Tabata is very demanding, these protocols were first used to increase the performance of Olympic medal winning speed skaters – not exactly slouches themselves. The trainee has to make a deal with themselves that they are going to stick to the predetermined schedule i.e. work for 20 seconds and not take any more than 10 seconds rest. Anything else is not Tabata and very probably won’t work anywhere near as effectively.

When using a weights movement such as dumbbell thrusters you should not put the weight down and walk away from them but either hold on to them or put them on an elevated surface in front of you. Similarly bars should not be racked unless it becomes necessary, which it may well do!

When training using Tabata, it is a good idea to have someone with you to spot and also to help with timing and counting of cycles. Tabata interval timers are commercially available and with a quick search you can easily find free timers as well, some even featuring some inspirational music. If you are not able to get these then make sure you are facing a large clock as you train.

Tabata is a good example of where more is not necessarily better. If you are able to do 15 rounds then you are not working hard enough. Also you should not consider doing this more than once every week at the most, ideally staying around once every two weeks.

Exercise choice
You can use most common forms of aerobic work to train in a Tabata style, indeed the experiments were carried out on stationary cycles, but in the weights community common choices of movement seen include:

  • Back squat – a good choice
  • Front squat – again a good choice but usually harder on the lower back and lungs
  • Dumbbell thrusters – probably the best choice for those utilizing resistance
  • Deadlifts – a good choice but form is an issue here as is back fatigue
  • Sumo deadlift high-pulls – again a great choice but those with shoulder issues may want to avoid these
  • Stationary bike – a great ‘gym friendly’ choice and an easy method to start with
  • Rowing (on the ergo) – huge full body impact
  • Sprints – great for speed and leg development
  • Cleans and jerks – I can’t recommend these as form is hugely important, after rounds 3 and 4 your form will have gone to pot
  • Kettlebell Swings and Snatches.

The potential problems with Tabata
There are a few issues with Tabata that should be addressed by anyone interested in taking the challenge:

1) You have to be in good condition already before performing this type of exercise. Remember who and why this protocol was devised. If your health and fitness levels are an issue, then work on other forms of conditioning for a while.

2) Movement choice: Triceps kickbacks are not a valid choice here, the movement should be a large compound exercise (i.e. not bench press) but there is also another problem…

3) Ego: You are just not going to able use that much weight, you have to be really careful with loads here – a few percent too optimistic and you aren’t getting through round four.

Will this put a training stress on the muscle though? YES! Remember training stress is both recruitment of the higher threshold motor units but putting a load of stress through them and also fatiguing motor units, fast repetitions will do this. It also causes a huge systemic reaction due to the sheer difficulty of the task.

You will also frighten the other people in your gym.

A word of warning though, it is an advanced technique and not for everyone, though it is used regularly by some it is regular but not often! Once every three weeks is enough for most and think long and hard about loads used and form when doing them.

Tabata Training Use It You Will Not Be Sorry

May 12, 2009 Posted by | cardio workouts, exercise, fitness, kettlebell workouts, tabata training, Uncategorized, weight loss | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Tabata Training And Kettlebell Workouts

Tabata Training and Kettlebell Workouts are an incredible cardio and fat burning workout. The combination of using kettlebells in the tabata training method can and will give you a total body workout. Fat loss, lean muscle gain, added strength and energy can all be achieved with this workout.

Just to give you a quick workout try this one.

You are going to use only 1 exercise the Kettlebell Swing.

Set your timer for twenty seconds(beginners adjust your time down if need be)

Start swinging you are shooting for as many reps as possible with good form.

rest 10 seconds (beginners adjust your time up if need be)

Continue try to get in 8 sets That’s it.

Tabata Training and Kettlebell workouts have become one of my favorite workouts. Especially when I am short on time.

If you are new to Tabata Training and Kettlebell Training check out the links for complete explanations and additional workouts

May 7, 2009 Posted by | cardio workouts, exercise, fitness, kettlebell workouts, tabata training, weight loss | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Tabata Training: Sumo Deadlift and High Pull Exercise Combo

Tabata Training: Sumo Deadlift and High Pull Exercise Combo                     tabata-training

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Tabata Training I will give you a quick once over of what Tabata’s

are all about. Tabata training is a very intense form of Interval training. Normally  Tabata is done with one exercise. What you do is you do as many reps as you can in 20 seconds then you rest for 10 seconds and repeat the eventual goal is to do a minimum fo 8 sets.

 Doesn’t sound all that tough right? Think again Tabata Training is a tough workout but probably the most effective and time efficent weight loss and cardio workout there is.

A word of caution if you are new to working out or are just not in very good shape do not just think you can jump into doing a Tabata Training workout.

First things first get a physical checkup! You will be placing heavy demands on your cardio system doing tabata’s.

Once you are cleared medically(and you should do that before starting any form of exercise program) break into tabata training gradually.

Start with doing one or two sets of tabata two to three times a week. Tabata training is again as many reps as you can do for 20 secons.

What you want to do is one of two things:

1 – Have a clock set to where you can watch the second hand for your twenty seconds while you count your reps or

2 – Have someone time you and count your reps for you. This is the best way so you can pay attention to using proper exercise form especially as you begin to tire.

Tabata Style Sumo Deadlift and High Pull Combo

You are going to need a barbell ( you can also use a kettlebell or two dumbells or a medicine ball) to do the Sumo Deadlift high Pull.

What we are doing here is 2 different exercises but combinning them as one.

The Sumo Deadlift


Position feet under bar with very wide stance. Squat down and grasp bar between legs with a shoulder width or slightly  narrower mixed grip. Lift bar by extending  hips and knees to full extension. Pull shoulders back at top of lift if rounded. Throughout lift keep hips low, shoulders high, arms and back straight. Knees should point same direction as feet throughout movement. Keep bar close to body to improve mechanical leverage.

The High Pull

Stand over the barbell with the balls of the feet positioned under the bar slightly wider apart than hip width. Squat down and grip the bar with an over hand grip slightly wider than shoulder width. Position the shoulders over the bar with the back arched tightly. Arms are straight with elbows pointed along the bar.

Pull the bar up off the floor by extending the hips and knees. As the bar reaches the knees vigorously raise the shoulders while keeping the barbell close to the thighs, jump upward extending the body.  Flex elbows out to the sides, pulling bar up to neck height.

 Combining The Sumo Deadlift and High Pull:

Get yourself into position as if you are doing the Sumo (  use the narrow grip as instructed for the sumo) once you stand erect go immediatly into the High Pull and return to starting position repeat.

You are not going to use heavy weight’s for this remember we are going to do these Tabata style we are not bodybuilding. So use a weight that will make you work but not to heavy as to be able to get out your required reps.

 Tabata Training Efficent and Effective I love Tabata Training and the Sumo Deadlift High Pull combo gives you a total body workout. Your working practically every muscle group  



















cardio your metabolism will be racing long after this workout is over.

Practice with an empty bar so you get your form down before adding


December 12, 2008 Posted by | cardio workouts, exercise, fitness, tabata training | , , , , | Leave a comment

Tabata Training Fat Busters and Cardio Killers-The Burpee

So did you try doing the Bear from my last post? I know if you did you were cursing me the whole time but you also know how good it was after you were done.

Tabata Training I love it. Tabata Training truly is the ultimate in fat loss and cardio conditioning.

Well today I have another one for you to try. This one is an old standby bodyweight only exercise.

The Burpee (or as some of you may remember from back in school the squat thrust). There are many ways to do burpee’s and add on’s you can use but today I’m going to show you how to do the basic Burpee but as a Tabata Training protocol.

In case you have forgotten this is how you do the Burpee.

  1. Stand erect
  2. Squat down putting your hands on the floor.
  3. Kick your feet back so you are in a push up position.
  4. Do 1 push up.
  5. Bring your feet back in so you are in the squat position.
  6. Stand up.

Okay so here’s how were going to bring in the Tabata Training style with them. You will need a room of about 10 to 15 feet.

  1. Start at one end of the room do 20 Burpees(or as many as your conditioning allows).
  2. Walk to the other side of the room do 18
  3. Walk back to the other side of the room and do 16

I think you probably see where I’m going with this. Right all the way down to 2. Now you are going to have to adjust the numbers to your conditioning level and chances are you will need to work up to these numbers.

Keep in mind what Tabata Training is 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest and repeat. That’s pretty much it give this a try 2-3 times aweek to go along with your other training.

A few minutes of Burpee conditioning will quickly convince you that your own natural bodyweight provides plenty of resistance for an ass-kicking workout that blasts your stamina and fat loss through the roof.

As I said before there are alot of add ons and variations for doing Burpees but I’ll save that for another day.

Tabata Training Fat Busters and Cardio Killers-The Burpee  Jag252

November 13, 2008 Posted by | cardio workouts, exercise, fitness, tabata training, weight loss | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Tabata Training – A One Exercise Cardio Workout – The Bear

Tabata Training in it’s true form is doing one exercise for as many reps as possible in twenty seconds. You then take a ten second rest and repeat.

If you have tried using Tabata Training for your weight loss and cardio workouts you know they are killer and so effective. Tabata may just be the ultimate in weight loss- cardio workouts. The purists usually consider dumbbell thrusts and front squats as the two best exercises for Tabata Training.

If you have read any of my other writing’s you know I like to experiment and change things up allot. I am a big believer that in order to make your workouts as effective and time efficient as possible combination exercises are great.

Tabata training as I said is top notch but I also like variety in my workouts I think it keeps your enthusiasm high and you are less likely to skip workouts.

What is one of the keys to weight loss and building lean muscle? Consistency. If you do the same workouts over and over again your body will adapt to those workouts and boredom and you will get discouraged and start to miss workouts.

Okay so having said all that let me show you a great total body exercise that just requires a barbell. We will do it in Tabata style although for the amount of movement it is more Interval Training than Tabata if there is any real difference.

The basically five moves in one:

  1. With a barbell at your feet get into position to clean the barbell – Clean it to shoulder level.
  2. Do a front press.
  3. Bring the bar down behind your neck and set it to do a squat
  4. Squat on your way up press the bar overhead
  5. Return the bar to the clean position ( you can return it to the floor or go from a hang clean position.

Well that’s how you do the Bear. Do it Tabata/Interval style working up to as many reps as possible in your allotted time. As in Tabata work on increasing your reps in your time frame while working up to eight sets.

I would advise as with Tabata and Interval Training doing the Bear on your off days from weight training.

Before charging in with the Bear I would walk thru some sets with an empty bar so you get the proper form to do it.

Well ther you have it give the Bear a try I think you will find you have a real challenge on your hands. You will probablly curse me for showing it to you. But I bet you will thank me for it later.

Jag252 Building Lean Muscle, Losing Fat and Getting Fit and Healthy

October 5, 2008 Posted by | cardio workouts, exercise, fitness, kettlebell workouts, tabata training, Uncategorized, weight loss | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment