Tabata Training

Intense Fat Loss Thru Tabata Training

Tabata Training: Sumo Deadlift and High Pull Exercise Combo

Tabata Training: Sumo Deadlift and High Pull Exercise Combo                     tabata-training

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Tabata Training I will give you a quick once over of what Tabata’s

are all about. Tabata training is a very intense form of Interval training. Normally  Tabata is done with one exercise. What you do is you do as many reps as you can in 20 seconds then you rest for 10 seconds and repeat the eventual goal is to do a minimum fo 8 sets.

 Doesn’t sound all that tough right? Think again Tabata Training is a tough workout but probably the most effective and time efficent weight loss and cardio workout there is.

A word of caution if you are new to working out or are just not in very good shape do not just think you can jump into doing a Tabata Training workout.

First things first get a physical checkup! You will be placing heavy demands on your cardio system doing tabata’s.

Once you are cleared medically(and you should do that before starting any form of exercise program) break into tabata training gradually.

Start with doing one or two sets of tabata two to three times a week. Tabata training is again as many reps as you can do for 20 secons.

What you want to do is one of two things:

1 – Have a clock set to where you can watch the second hand for your twenty seconds while you count your reps or

2 – Have someone time you and count your reps for you. This is the best way so you can pay attention to using proper exercise form especially as you begin to tire.

Tabata Style Sumo Deadlift and High Pull Combo

You are going to need a barbell ( you can also use a kettlebell or two dumbells or a medicine ball) to do the Sumo Deadlift high Pull.

What we are doing here is 2 different exercises but combinning them as one.

The Sumo Deadlift


Position feet under bar with very wide stance. Squat down and grasp bar between legs with a shoulder width or slightly  narrower mixed grip. Lift bar by extending  hips and knees to full extension. Pull shoulders back at top of lift if rounded. Throughout lift keep hips low, shoulders high, arms and back straight. Knees should point same direction as feet throughout movement. Keep bar close to body to improve mechanical leverage.

The High Pull

Stand over the barbell with the balls of the feet positioned under the bar slightly wider apart than hip width. Squat down and grip the bar with an over hand grip slightly wider than shoulder width. Position the shoulders over the bar with the back arched tightly. Arms are straight with elbows pointed along the bar.

Pull the bar up off the floor by extending the hips and knees. As the bar reaches the knees vigorously raise the shoulders while keeping the barbell close to the thighs, jump upward extending the body.  Flex elbows out to the sides, pulling bar up to neck height.

 Combining The Sumo Deadlift and High Pull:

Get yourself into position as if you are doing the Sumo (  use the narrow grip as instructed for the sumo) once you stand erect go immediatly into the High Pull and return to starting position repeat.

You are not going to use heavy weight’s for this remember we are going to do these Tabata style we are not bodybuilding. So use a weight that will make you work but not to heavy as to be able to get out your required reps.

 Tabata Training Efficent and Effective I love Tabata Training and the Sumo Deadlift High Pull combo gives you a total body workout. Your working practically every muscle group  



















cardio your metabolism will be racing long after this workout is over.

Practice with an empty bar so you get your form down before adding


December 12, 2008 Posted by | cardio workouts, exercise, fitness, tabata training | , , , , | Leave a comment