Tabata Training

Intense Fat Loss Thru Tabata Training

Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plans

Hi,  just wanted to give you a quick reminder about the Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plan. The price will be going up so if you think it will work for you get in before the increase.

Here is some info I took of Vince’s site.

Nutrition Reality #1 You Can’t Out Train A Bad Diet

You could run two marathons a day and still get fat.

Even if you resorted to a bodybuilders diet of chicken, broccoli and brown rice six-times a day, you can still get fat.


Eat too much of it.  The excess has to get stored somewhere and unfortunately that is known as your belly-bulge.

It doesn’t matter how many hours a day you workout, what kind of supplements you take or how “healthy” you eat if you consumed too much of it.

You probably learned that back in high school science class.

It’s amazing how marketing geniuses can get us to underestimate this simple nutrition fact.

Nutrition Reality #2 Diet Is 90% of the Equation

Think about it.

It takes about 3-minutes to consume a delicious muffin or donut and wash it down with a glass of juice or your favorite mocha drink.  3-minutes later you’ve consumed almost 1000 calories, 50 grams of fat and 120 grams of sugar.

Bam!  So much for that flat stomach…

You just cancelled out 2 days worth of working out! That’s called one step forward, two steps back.  I don’t’ have to tell you how hard you have to work your butt off to burn those 1000 calories, right?

You got to bust your ass sprinting up some stairs for an hour just to cancel out the damage you inflicted on your belly.

So it takes 3-minutes of mouth-watering delight to lose your six pack and it takes 60-minutes of heart-pounding, muscle-screaming workouts to get your six-pack.

Now you see why all the cover-models and bodybuilders say, “It’s all diet, diet, diet…”

Nutrition Reality #3 “Eating healthy” Without a Plan Is Guaranteed Failure

My clients protested, “But I eat healthy…” or “I don’t eat bad though…” while I confronted them with this truth.

 “Eating healthy” is a relative phrase.  You may be in fact eating “the top super foods” every day or a “variety” of proteins and fats or avoiding the “bad carbs” but still crippling your success.


How do you know if you’ve eaten too much or too little?

What do you modify at the end of the week when you jump on the scale and nothing has changed? What do you do?

Eat “healthier?”

Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plans

I bet you can relate to the three C’s…

Confusing, Challenging and Consuming

#1 Diets are CONFUSING 

Just like you, I agree that nutrition advice has become overwhelmingly confusing.  One best-selling book says no carbs, another book says no fat.  This expert says to skip the protein and the other expert says to ignore that advice.

Maybe I should eat according to my ancestors or my blood type?  Maybe I should go with the instinct diet?  That one sounds interesting…

It’s at the point now that every single food is on some guru’s “bad list.” 

If I followed all of their advice, my plate would be empty every meal!

Bottom line, it’s impossible to escape the confusion, especially since every diet promises to be better than the last.

Aren’t you dreaming of the day you can stroll into a grocery store and not be terrified or torture yourself with guilt, no matter what you eat?
#2 Diets are CHALLENGING

Just like you, I can’t possibly keep up with all the “breakthrough” diets that rain in from the sky each-and-every-day.

It doesn’t help when at least 10 of these diets get national publicity and make the best-sellers list.  What if the next one is actually the real thing? 

You would be making a horrible mistake passing up this new diet opportunity even though the diet will force you to shell-out more money, make you feel miserable, overanalyze, is outrageously unpractical, and impossible to follow long term.

Bottom line, the diet mafia is seducing you, again, to abandon your better judgment and eat like you’ve never eaten before.

#3 Diets are CONSUMING

Did you ever realize that the countries (a.k.a. United States and Canada) that are most obsessed about nutrition, dieting and diet foods are the fattest and most out of shape?

Go figure.

Being consumed with food is affecting your mood and self-worth!

It’s one thing to be a little upset because you over ate in a meal, it’s another thing to be downright depressed because you ate some garlic toast for lunch!

Our society has never been so consumed with diet and nutrition as it has in the past 50 years and yet our physiques and health are going right down the tubes.

If food is consuming your life and leaving you emotionally drained, guilt-stricken, literally afraid of eating and straining your personal relationships, then keep reading to discover a simple-fix that defies common sense!

It’s the exact simple-fix that will help you lose the last 10 pounds or the first 100 pounds like a bad habit and obliterate even the most stubborn fat from any body part.

Fact: More than ANYTHING else, you’re diet is holding you back and here is what you can do to fix it, once and for all…

Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plans

Get lean, or stay fat.  It’s your decision.

Why do I say that?  Because this is your absolute LAST chance to get the program that is going to put your results over the edge, while being
maintainable and livable, and DOABLE, before the price DOUBLES Friday night.

You want to talk about why people fail?  It’s because 99% of the diet programs out there aren’t realistic.  They aren’t practical, and believe me, I feel your pain.

But that’s NOT this program, This one is special.  This one is going to be a GAME CHANGER for you–and I guarantee it–because it’s just so incredibly livable.

Not only that, but you get to EAT NORMALLY to get you the head-turning physique you’ve always wanted–FASTER.

Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plan

July 3, 2009 Posted by | cardio workouts, exercise, fitness, kettlebell workouts, tabata training, Uncategorized, weight loss | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Meal Plans For Losing Fat Do You Need Them?

Are Meal Plans Really What You Need? That’s the purpose of this article I have for you it’s from my buddy Nick Nilsson of Metabolism Surge.

Some food for thought if your on the fence either way about the Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plans Iv’e been telling you about.

And I have to say, it IS an excellent product. The meal plans
have been created by people who know EXACTLY what they’re
doing when it comes to food prep and nutrition. I have no
hesitation recommending this product for people who are
looking for meal plans and a way systematize their nutrition
for optimum results.

Learning by doing is, quite honestly, one of the best ways to
learn good nutrition.

So if you’ve ever found yourself confused about what to eat
for best results, THIS is a program you should get, especially
while it’s being launched at HALF the regular price (47 bucks
instead of 97 bucks). This is only going until Friday at
midnight, so grab it now if you think you might want it.

Heck, you don’t even have to follow the meal plans exactly –
it’s a great to way to just grab some random, healthy meals,
too (with all the nutritional info all laid out, as well as
proper portion sizes).

I definitely don’t mean to come across like I’m down on meal
plans…I think they absolutely have their place in training

It’s the same deal with actual workout schedules…I tell
people to follow a pre-written program from an expert so you
learn how to train properly before you starting mucking around
with things yourself…chances are, if you don’t know how to
put together a program properly, you’re not going to get the
best results.

Same thing with nutrition…if you don’t know how to put
together a nutrition plan (even if your plan is a very general
one), you’ll benefit tremendously by learning exactly how to
do it from an expert.

Okay, off that soapbox and onto another one…

So ARE meal plans necessary for fat loss?

And without further ado, the answer is yes…and no!

Allow me to explain…

Following meal plans is one of those things that you either
love or hate. You either feel like you HAVE to do it in order
to get results or you feel like there’s NO WAY you’ll ever be
caught dead doing it. It’s rare you find somebody who sits on
the middle ground in this one.

As most people know, in order to lose fat, you’ve got to have
a caloric deficit, taking in fewer calories than you burn on
a daily basis. No surprises there.

Now here’s the thing…in order to consistently achieve that
caloric deficit and lose fat, you must be AWARE of your calorie

I believe the REAL question we should be asking here should not
be “Is meal planning necessary?” but “Is calorie-AWARENESS

So if, in order to be aware of how many calories you’re taking
in, you need to specifically PLAN and COUNT them (by weighing
food and referencing food charts), then THAT will be what you
have to do to get results.

And that is totally fine!

But if you’ve already GOT a good awareness of how many calories
you’re eating in a day and you know what you need to eat (or
not eat) in order to achieve that caloric deficit, then meal
planning is NOT necessary for you.
The key here, again, is awareness.

You see, the big problem with not following meal plans arises
when a person THINKS they’re aware of their caloric intake but
they really are NOT.

It’s a fact that most people dramatically under-report their
caloric intake when they are asked to estimate how much they
eat in a day. When they keep a food diary and have to write
down every little thing that goes in their mouth, in some
cases their TRUE caloric intake nearly DOUBLES.

So even if you don’t want to follow a meal plan, it may be
time for a quick compromise. It’s a temporary calorie count/reality

If you’re not losing fat right now and you feel like you’re
not really eating much, here’s something you can try in order
to test your “caloric awareness”:

First, write down how many calories you THINK you’re eating
every day.

Now for the next full week, write down everything you eat.
And I do mean EVERYTHING. Every little taste and every little
snack. EVERYTHING. Just write down foods and portion sizes –
don’t try and look up how many calories each thing has and
don’t suddenly change your diet because you want to make
yourself look good – just keep doing what you’ve been doing.

At the end of the week, go to a food chart and research
everything you ate. Add it up and divide by 7. This will
give you your average daily caloric intake.

If you’re within a few hundred calories of your original
estimation, congratulations! You’ve got good “calorie awareness!”

But if you’re off by a significant margin, this will give you
some VERY useful feedback on what you need to do to get fat
loss rolling again.

So there’s a vote FOR meal plans…let’s look at the other
side of the coin.

And I’ll be blunt here…the calorie counts in meal plans,
no matter how careful you are, are simply NOT 100% accurate.

Think of it this way…no two pieces of food are alike. When
you buy a steak at the grocery store, they don’t charge you
per steak, they charge by the pound. And even when they charge
by the pound, two steaks of the same cut can have DRAMATICALLY
different composition – one could be lean and one could be fatty!

But if you look at a calorie chart, you’ll see “3 oz sirloin
steak – 100 calories”…or something to that effect.

So even if you weigh and chart every single piece of food you
put in your mouth, you’re STILL going to be off by a fair
margin. That’s just a fact.

And while how MUCH you eat has an impact on fat loss, WHEN
you eat it and what foods you eat together makes a HUGE impact
on your results. “Calories are calories” is true only up to
a point.

For example, if you eat a big meal after a workout, most of
that will get used for recovery purposes. But if you eat that
same big meal late at night, nowhere near a workout, a good
portion of that will just be stored as fat.

Another example is eating sugary carbs with fatty foods – the
insulin response you get from sugary foods will jam that fat
right into your fat cells with very little trouble!

So now that you have absolutely no idea WHAT the heck to do
now, here’s my step-by-step solution…

1. If you like to follow meal plans and it gets you results…
   keep it up!

2. If you like to follow meal plans but you’re NOT getting
   results, either eat less or make sure you’re writing down
   EVERYTHING you’re eating AND are being as accurate as possible
   with your charting (and get some good meal plans, for crying
   out loud).

3. If you DON’T like to follow meal plans and you ARE getting
   results…keep it up! Meal plans are NOT necessary if you’re
   aware of how many calories you’re taking in AND you’re
   getting results.

4. If you DON’T like to follow meal plans and you’re NOT getting
   results, it’s time to take one week to count your calories
   and improve your caloric awareness. It’s only a week and
   it’ll give you a MUCH better idea of what you’re actually
   taking in. This will pay off BIG in the long run because
   once you get a feel for your TRUE intake, you can very easily
   keep yourself honest and ADJUST on the fly.
To my mind, the bottom line is results. If you’re NOT losing
fat, then you’re not getting the results you want…simple as
that. Your approach should be focused on doing what you need
to do to get those results.

Developing your caloric awareness is the key to long-term
success with fat loss. And if you have to follow meal plans
to do it, then that’s what you’ve gotta do!

If that’s the case for you, then go grab the meal plans right
now, because they’re excellent and their relatively cheap
right now (especially considering the amount of work that’s
gone into putting these together).

Thanks Again to Nick for this look at meal plans and will they work for you. If you are still on the fence here is the link to Done for You Fat Loss Meal Plans and some more info.

Hope this helps. I do endorse the Done for you meal plan system very highly. But this is something you have to decide for yourself – Will I Follow It And Get The Full Benefit. Talk to you soon    Joe

There is this really funny you tube video up with two of my fellow fitness experts that had a “Pizza VS Cardio Contest!”

They wanted to put the famous saying: “You Can’t Out-Train A Bad Diet”
to the ultimate test.

The video hammers home an invaluable nutrition lesson…

So one fitness expert jumps on the treadmill and cranks it up to the absolute maximum speed with a slight incline (without falling off) and starts sprinting.

While he’s busting his butt at 11.0 MPH, killing himself to lose fat, the other fitness expert is standing beside him consuming a box of pizza.

After about 3 minutes, the guy eating has consumed 800 calories (half a pizza) and the guy sprinting has burned 42 calories!

Moral of the story – you CAN NOT out train a bad diet.


Here’s What You Can Do…

Stop following a diet period.

Use these MEAL PLANS instead.
Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plans 

Compare any other diet book or diet method to simply following a “designed-for-you” meal plan that eliminates 100% of the guess work and you’ll come out on top 100% of the time – GUARANTEED.

How do I know this?

Because the best meal plan is based on BALANCE and VARIETY which is exactly catered to your physiological make up. You can’t get more personalized than that!

And the best part is, all you do is plug in a few basic measurements to determine which plan to follow and you begin your VERY NEXT MEAL today.

It’s critical that you put your meal plan into action TODAY – not tomorrow, not next week or next month.
I love these plans because they are SO EASY to implement your very next meal and continue until you have developed the habits necessary to see results so that you stay motivated and finally perfect your body and health.

There are no rules to follow, complex formulas, expensive supplements, ridiculous macronutrient ratios that you need to concern yourself with.

Everything is already DONE-FOR-YOU and designed-for-you.

Grab your PROVEN meal plans here:

 Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plans

I promise these will give you everything you need to eat right so you can implement them immediately.

P.S. Eliminate all the nutrition nonsense and stop thinking you need a “special diet” which is a complete LIE, massive nutrition conspiracy and scam.
You need to start with a simple nutritional template that is CONSTANT and COMPLETE with the CORRECT foundational nutritional principles.

Take advantage of the HALF-PRICE sale that ends in 60-hours:
 Done For You Fat Loss Meal Plans

July 2, 2009 Posted by | cardio workouts, exercise, fitness, kettlebell workouts, tabata training, weight loss | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Tabata Training Extreme Fat Loss

Tabata training can and will take your fat loss to the extreme. Doing a tabata workout is short, incredibly intense and will flat out kick your butt. But oh the benefits to your cardio conditioning and fat loss efforts are well worth it.

The question with doing tabata training is are you willing to pay the price to make extreme changes in your body?

If you have never tried tabata training it’s 20 seconds of doing a particular exercise (doing as many reps in good form as you can) then take a ten second rest and continue for a total of eight sets.

Yes 4 minutes of exercise. Most people that have never tried a tabata workout ask how can four minutes be enough for fat loss? The best answer I have ever heard is…

People who have done Tabata training never say ONLY 4 minutes again.

Before I give you a workout to try. get a physical get your doc’s ok before starting any workout. Tabata training is not for the newbie to exercising. You can adjust your workout to more of an interval training workout.

Here is a tabata workout I have been using lately. I do this twice a week on my non weight training days.

Tabata exercise – One arm Clean and Press – You can use either a dumbell or kettlebell to do this. I prefer using a kettlebell because the kettlebell brings in more of your stabilizer muscles giving you even more of a total body workout.

Keep in mind this is not bodybuilding. You are not looking to lift alot of weight so go light.

Give it a try remember do tabata’s only once or twice aweek.

Tabata Training Extreme Fat Loss check out my site dedicated to tabata training for a complete explanation of the why’s and how’s of tabata training and additional exercises you can use.

June 3, 2009 Posted by | cardio workouts, exercise, fitness, kettlebell workouts, tabata training, Uncategorized, weight loss | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Tabata Training And Kettlebell Workouts

Tabata Training and Kettlebell Workouts are an incredible cardio and fat burning workout. The combination of using kettlebells in the tabata training method can and will give you a total body workout. Fat loss, lean muscle gain, added strength and energy can all be achieved with this workout.

Just to give you a quick workout try this one.

You are going to use only 1 exercise the Kettlebell Swing.

Set your timer for twenty seconds(beginners adjust your time down if need be)

Start swinging you are shooting for as many reps as possible with good form.

rest 10 seconds (beginners adjust your time up if need be)

Continue try to get in 8 sets That’s it.

Tabata Training and Kettlebell workouts have become one of my favorite workouts. Especially when I am short on time.

If you are new to Tabata Training and Kettlebell Training check out the links for complete explanations and additional workouts

May 7, 2009 Posted by | cardio workouts, exercise, fitness, kettlebell workouts, tabata training, weight loss | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Tabata Training:4 Minutes to Fitness and Weight Loss TRY THIS!

Tabata Training creates a metabolism surge and revs up your cardio conditioning in 4 minutes for fitness and weight loss. If you are not familiar with Tabata Training click the link for a full explanation and background information on Tabata Training.

What I want to show you today is a Dumbbell complex of three exercises that we do as one movement.

What we are going to need are two dumbells or two Kettlebells. The three exercises we are going to put together for this complex are:

  1. Dumbell or Kettlebell Cleans
  2. Dumbbell or Kettlebell Squats
  3. Dumbell or Kettlebell Press

The first move you do is the clean take your kettlebells from the floor clean them to your shoulders once you have the kettlebells at shoulder height do a full Squat.

As you are coming up out of your squat begin pressing the kettlebells overhead into a front press.

Once you have completed the press bring your dumbbells or kettlebells back down to shoulder height and then back to the starting position and repeat.

Now using three exercises as we are here is a little more involved than a true Tabata exercise. Remember what Tabata’s are doing as many reps as you can in twenty seconds. So this complex is a little more involved more of an Interval training workout.

Interval Training and Tabata Training are very similar training systems. Tabata training is known as a more intense form of Interval Training. My feeling is for the non professional trainers like you and I putting together complexes like I’ve shown you in this blog will put you on the fast pace to weight loss, fitness and cardio conditioning.

Tabata Training is intense start slowly one or two sets to start with add sets as your conditioning improves. Use light weights the weight is not as important as getting your reps done in the 20 seconds. Than rest for 10 seconds and get going again.

Give this workout a try you will love the results.   Until next time   Jag252

September 28, 2008 Posted by | cardio workouts, exercise, fitness, kettlebell workouts, tabata training, Uncategorized, weight loss | , , , | Leave a comment

Kettlebell Training: Keeping Training Fun With Kettlebells

Lets face it; sooner or later bodybuilding can get boring and lead to burnout. After all, week after grueling week of barbell squats, deadlifts, and weighted dips is no joke and requires a serious commitment.

Regardless, if you are into training for the long run and want to be healthy as well. You have to take time to address your weak links and build up different forms of strength such as muscular endurance. One very fun and effective way to keep training interesting, address your weak links, and take your muscular endurance through the roof, is to incorporate kettlebell training into your routine.

What the heck is a kettlebell? Imagine a bowling ball with a thick suitcase handle on it. Now imagine this apparatus weighing anywhere from 8lbs to 88lbs and you have an idea of what a kettlebell looks like and what weights it comes in. Kettlebells are not a new invention and they have been around for hundreds of years. Many of the legendary old-time strongman used kettlebells such as Arthur Saxon, Eugene Sandow, and Sig Klein. Also, take a look at some old comic books and you will most likely come across some character playing with kettlebells.


Recently, kettlebells have become popular again in the US and worldwide thanks to Russian strength coach Pavel Tsatsouline and Dragondoor publications. According to Pavel, many branches of the Russian Military still use kettlebells as an effective method of keeping their soldiers in tip-top shape. Today, many branches of the US military are beginning to benefit from the power of kettlebell training and many US soldiers even took their kettlebells with them to Afghanistan and Iraq to stay in shape.

So what exactly makes kettlebell training so effective? Glad that you asked. First, kettlebell ballistic exercises such as: the swing, the snatch, and the clean and jerk, teach the trainee how to work his or her body as one unit. This full body strength is critical if you want real world strength that will transfer from your training to your athletic activities. The strength that you build from bicep curls and triceps pushdowns that oh so many bodybuilders love are not going to do much good when someone is trying to take you down in a wrestling match or when you are trying to power your way through tough opponents on the football field.

However, doing exercises that require the involvement of several major muscle groups at once is going to have tremendous benefit for every athlete activity regardless of whether you are a weekend warrior or a professional athlete. Second, authentic Russian kettlebells have thick grips. This turns just about every kettlebell exercise into a grip exercise. My massage therapist noted the other day that my forearms are very thick and contain lots of strong muscle fibers. All that I do for strength training right now is kettlebell training, so obviously that is where the forearm strength is coming from.

If you are a fan of farmers walks, then you will love the extra challenge of holding onto two thick handled kettlebells as you do the all so pleasurable farmers walks. Third, due to the displacement of the weight on a kettlebell, you are constantly working on stabilizing the weight on various kettlebell drills such as: the overhead presses, Turkish get-up, and windmill. This recruits more stabilizer muscles to address weak links. Fourth, many kettlebell exercises such as windmills, bent presses, and side presses, build up your core strength and increase shoulder flexibility. Shoulder flexibility will assist you in athletic activities such as jiu-jitsu and make it easier for you to lockout weights overhead.

Fourth, one of the best aspects of kettlebell training is the fact that kettlebells are portable. I hate training in gyms. In addition to really lame music, gyms are generally crowded when you want to go, don’t always have the equipment that you want, and can be costly. In addition, I live in beautiful Santa Monica, Ca and I much rather train at the beach than in some smelly and crowded gym. There is nothing like a breath of fresh air as you engage in a grueling workout. Finally, kettlebell training is fun. Exercises such as snatches and swings are dynamic, challenging, and enjoyable, and when done in high repetitions, they give you a great cardio workout. Kettlebell core drills such as Windmills and Turkish get-ups look really cool and if something looks cool, it is generally fun to do. Kettlebell training is also a fun way to turn some heads and scare some people. What more could you ask for?

Here is a kettlebell only program that you can do two to three times a week for four weeks as a break from your current routine or as an effective way to take your muscular endurance up a notch:

Kettlebell Routine


Two kettlebell clean and alternating press: 3×5
Alternating kettlebell rows: 3×8 with each arm
Windmills: 3×5 with each arm
One arm kettlebell swings: 3×10 with each arm

One arm kettlebell snatches: 3×10 with each arm
Turkish get-ups: 3×5 with each arm
Farmers Walk* with two kettlebells: 3×200 yard walks

Alternating clean and press: 3×8
Renegade Rows: 3×8
Double kettlebell windmills: 3×5
Double Swings: 3×10

If you find that three workouts per week is too much for you, then try a Monday and Thursday Split or a Monday and Friday Split. Try the following tips as well to ensure that you recover adequately from each workout:

Stretch all the major muscle groups for 10-15 minutes after each workout

Get a CyroCup and Ice major muscle groups after each workout
Take a cold/hot shower after each workout (30 seconds cold/60 seconds hot)
Have a protein-carb shake immediately after each workout
Get a sports massage 1-2 times per month
Sleep 8-9 hours per night
Relax on your days off and after each workout
After four weeks of the above kettlebell program, you will have no doubt of the effectiveness of kettlebell training. Feel free to stay on the outlined program for a few more weeks or just incorporate a few kettlebell exercises into your regular bodybuilding program. For example, so 1-2 sets of swings as a warm-up or cool down after a few workouts. Or replace your normal ab exercises with Turkish Get-ups and Windmills. The possibilities are endless.

About The Author

Mike Mahler is a strength coach and a certified kettlebell instructor based in Santa Monica, California. Mike has been a strength athlete for over ten years and designs strength training programs for trainees all around the world. Mike has a regular training column in Fightscene magazine ( Mike is also available for strength training workshops worldwide.

September 18, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | Leave a comment